How do I share a specific audio track?
Click on the track you want to share.
The URL will now include the track file. You can now copy the address and share it.
How do I embed the player?
Click the Share icon near the player.
A pop-up window will offer URLs for embedding. Select the application you would like to embed the link to.
For more advanced options click the Advanced embedding details, examples, and help! link at the bottom of the popup.
How do I change the titles in the track playlist?
Please note you can only change the titles of the files that you have uploaded.
On the item details page select Edit.
Select Change the Information
Scroll down to the Files, Formats & Derivatives section and enter a title in the Title field adjacent to the file name and click the Submit button.
Can I upload a zip file of audio tracks and have them be playable?
No, they will not be. You should upload the files as separate files.
How can I play a downloaded audio track?
There are many players available.
Many come standard on devices such as Quicktime (Mac) or Windows Media Player (PC). You can search for others online. VLC is a nice and flexible free player for audio and video.
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